berker K.5

K.5 Alum­inium

Clear contours. Cons­istent design. A cult­i­vated exte­rior – the Berker K.5 is recom­me­nded for anyone who values fine forms and the highest quality mate­rials in equal measure. An attractive example is the latest variant of the Berker K.5 in cool, clear alum­inium.

K.5 Stai­n­less Steel

The crisp contours and mate­rial quality characte­rise the all-round soph­ist­ic­ated appe­a­rance of the berker K.5. A part­ic­u­larly good example of that is the berker K.5 in Stai­n­less Steel.

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Need a spec­ific colour? Disc­over our Manufaktur department solut­ions and create your unique switches and sockets.